快讯| 马来西亚马六甲州发展局局长Datuk Mohd Yusof Bin Abu Bakar一行到访正泰新能源
08-17 2024

8月15日,马来西亚马六甲州发展局局长Datuk Mohd Yusof Bin Abu Bakar一行到访正泰新能源,双方就中国企业在马来西亚投身可再生能源发展的机遇与挑战开展深入交流。

On August 15th, Datuk Mohd Yusof Bin Abu Bakar, Director of the Development Bureau of Malacca State, Malaysia, and his delegation visited CHINT Green Energy to have in-depth exchanges with Chinese companies on the opportunities and challenges of investing in renewable energy development in Malaysia.


马来西亚(马六甲州)工业发展局处长MR JAIBALAN A/L Harirajan及正泰新能副总裁张炜,正泰新能源海外电站事业部东南亚区域负责人干鹏,正泰新能亚太区域销售负责人张洪卫等相关业务负责人出席座谈。

MR Jaibalan A/L Harirajan, Director of the Industrial Development Authority of Melaka, Malaysia, along with Samuel Zhang, Vice President of Astronergy, Gan Peng, Head of the Southeast Asia Region for Project Development of CHINT Green Energy, David Zhang, Sales Director for the Asia-Pacific Region of Astronergy, and other relevant personnels, attended the meeting.


Both parties discussed Malaysia's renewable energy industry policies and subsidies during the symposium; and conducted  practical exchanges on topics such as the coordinated development of green power and high energy consuming infrastructure such as data centers, as well as the economic and technological development trends of offshore floating photovoltaics.


Throughout its history, CHINT Green Energy has been steadily developing overseas power stations, continuously expanding overseas markets through the establishment of overseas branches, the formation of localized management teams, construction teams, and OM teams. As of now, photovoltaic power plant development and EPC business have been carried out in more than 40 countries and regions around the world, with a cumulative installed capacity of over 4500MW overseas. We have built various types of photovoltaic+power stations in multiple countries in Asia, such as the Philippines, Vietnam, Bangladesh, Japan, and South Korea, accumulating sufficient brand reputation and project experience.


Malaysia, as a key participant in the global energy transition, has proposed in its National Energy Transition Roadmap (NETR) to increase its solar power generation capacity from the current 4% to 58% by 2050. To this end, Malaysia continues to promote renewable energy to achieve sustainable development goals and play a key role in reducing carbon emissions, demonstrating its firm confidence and execution in building a sustainable future. The participation of Chinese enterprises in the construction and operation of photovoltaic projects in Malaysia continues to increase, providing clean energy for local economic development and people's lives, while also becoming an important driving force for the development of Malaysia's photovoltaic industry.