海外追光快讯 | 正泰新能源罗马尼亚、波兰再传捷报
12-17 2022

近日,正泰新能源海外市场拓展再传捷报,与合作伙伴INTEC成功签约罗马尼亚86 MW、波兰52 MW两大光伏电站项目。根据合作协议,双方将共同提供EPC服务,联手开展项目建设,为欧洲市场再添超百兆瓦新业绩。

Lately, we have good news from overseas markets again. CHINT Solar and its partner INTEC Energy Solutions are going to provide the EPC services for two new PV projects, which are the 86MW in Romania and 52MW in Poland.



For this special purpose, in October a Signing Ceremony for the expansion of partnership scope between the 2 companies was held in Poland, where the HQ of INTEC is located. Mr. Liu Chen, GM of Overseas Investment BU of Chint Solar and Mr. Adrien Joseph, CEO of INTEC EU participated in the ceremony.


The deep bound and good understandings between CHINT Solar and INTEC have been proved across various times of collaloration since long time ago. Both companies share the same belief that we must deliver the best projects to our customers and do our part to promote the global green energy transition. In the future, we are convinced that the strong partnership will continue to grow as well as the portfolio across Europe.